liver healthy foods


6 liver healthy foods and supplements – boost liver health!

Read this article to know 6 liver healthy foods and supplements that you need to boost your liver health and function.


Liver is one of the most important organs in human body. Liver plays an important role that it helps people produce bile to digest fats, helps in detoxifying blood, removing old red blood cells, helps in metabolism, and stores the simple sugar glucose, some kinds of vitamin and iron. However, drinking too much alcohol can have the harmful effects on your liver. Therefore, to protect your liver from some liver diseases such as fatty liver or liver cirrhosis, you should take liver healthy foods and supplements. Read this post and know how to get your liver back on track with liver healthy foods and supplements!

Liver Healthy Foods And Supplements

1. Dandelion Root

The first among liver healthy foods and supplements is dandelion root. It is also one of the popular remedies for cleansing the liver. Dandelion root can help you stimulate the flow of your bile, which helps flush out toxins. In addition, dandelion root can protect your liver from the harmful effects of alcohol and many other potentially damaging pesticides and chemicals that are found on vegetable and fruit produce.

Your liver can be recovered with the help of dandelion root. Moreover, dandelion root is good for your digestion and is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and vitamin D.


2. Kale

Kale  is really a great food among liver healthy foods and supplements to add into your diet when you want to boost your liver function. Kale is an excellent source of nutrients and it can help you detoxify your liver as well as prevent it from cancer.


3. Garlic

You may not like your breath after you eat garlic, but it is really a great food in the list of liver healthy foods and supplements. Garlic improves your liver health by filtering toxins from your blood. Besides, garlic is rich in alliin - a sulphur compound which is the powerful antioxidant, selenium - the mineral that can help you improve the action of antioxidants, and an important amino acid named arginine which is needed for relaxing your blood vessels.


4. Vitamins

Supplying vitamins in moderation can help to improve the health of your liver. A wide variety of vegetables and fruits which contain vitamin C and some certain foods such as sweet potatoes, eggs and nuts which are rich in vitamin E are the liver healthy foods you need to add into your diet. That is because vitamin C can help boost and support glutathione. Moreover, vitamins in these foods work as antioxidants that help you reverse liver damage and improve all bodily functions such as your immune system and vision.


However, excess vitamins, especially vitamins A and vitamin D, can put stress on and damage your liver, according to the Hepatitis Foundation International . Therefore, you should avoid consuming foods that are fortified with these vitamins like breakfast cereals.


5. Milk Thistle

One of the liver healthy foods and supplements that help you improve your liver function is milk thistle. Silymarin found in milk thistle can help you prevent substances that are potentially damaging from infiltrating your organ. Silymarin also helps you prevent the deficiency of glutathione, an important nutrient for liver detoxification. Milk thistle even has been shown to be beneficial for people who have liver damage in several studies. You can find it easily in many health food stores in capsule form that you can take it with fruit juice or water.

6. Minerals

The Liver Foundation of Western Australia showed that chronic liver disease can increase the risk of a mineral bone disorder called osteodystrophy, so it is essential to consume calcium-rich foods such as canned salmon and sardines, dairy products and dark green leafy vegetables. Besides, you should limit your sodium intake because it may aggravate the advanced liver disease, leading to abdominal accumulation of fluid. Too much iron also can be dangerous for your liver as it can be stored in liver, causing toxicity which contributes to liver failure, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.


In short, 6 liver healthy foods and supplements that I mentioned above are needed to add into your diet if you want to keep your liver healthy. And if you are suffering from liver cirrhosis, you also can find out one of the best ways to deal with your health condition by reading the Liver Cirrhosis Bible review posted in After reading this post, if you have any question, comment, suggestion or feedback, please leave your words below!